Tech in the Classroom

Tech in the Classroom

Teaching is an intensive process. Between planning lessons, preparing assignments, and grading, there is no shortage of hours spent behind the scenes for an hour of class time. Thankfully there are some tech solutions that might help enhance all that effort and bolster your lessons.

Nearpod is a slideshow application that allows the audience to follow along with you and interact with your presentation. You can embed questions they can answer or links for them to follow. It facilitates instructive lessons where a bit of hands-on practice is best. 

Continue reading “Tech in the Classroom”

Dee’s Favorites (Part 3 of 3): Making Your Patrons’ Lives and Your Jobs Easier

Dee’s Favorites (Part 3 of 3): Making Your Patrons’ Lives and Your Jobs Easier

This is the final installment of my favorites series… for now.  This is sort of a catchall post where “everything else” fits.  I’ve given it the very long, but appropriate title, “Making Your Patrons’ Lives and Your Jobs Easier” because that’s what these tools are all about… so, let’s dive in! Continue reading “Dee’s Favorites (Part 3 of 3): Making Your Patrons’ Lives and Your Jobs Easier”

Open Access Tools & Resources

When following a conference on Twitter last week, one attendee tweeted about Unpaywall. It was the first time they had heard of it, which surprised me at first. I was equally surprised that the Open Access Button had not been mentioned at the same time.  I realize now that I have had the benefit of attending OpenCon and following many people active in Open for a while now. Below I will list some of the open tools and resources, which hopefully, someone will find useful. Continue reading “Open Access Tools & Resources”